Secrets from the Future, Create Anything from Nothing
Learn the 7-Step Get Up and Do it Plan for your Future
Whether you’re looking for your dream job, thinking about starting up a business, creating a side hustle, or you just don’t want to spend your entire life wondering, “what if…”,
Secrets from the Future shares meaningful insight and action points in this ridiculously thought-provoking session.
- What are you willing to be better at then the person in the corner office?
What is the missing link between who you were, where you are and who you are becoming? - Finding alignment
- Why you should stop making lousy excuses and get up and do something
- If your mission is not larger than you you might have a challenge or a solution
- Let your niche find you
- To make it real, know what you want to be remembered for
Nicolene’s Bio
Dr Nicolene is a research-driven professional that understands that effective leadership, management, and education require initiative, self-motivation, and a wide range of skills from understanding human psychology, behaviour, and leadership.
She has vast experience in adult training at the tertiary level and has implemented high-level professional development in many education and corporate business organizations to empower leaders and develop high-functioning, cohesive teams.
She is an international workshop presenter and has presented on the world stage in America, the Philippines, South Africa, Indonesia, and Singapore.
Nicolene also presents: How Might Creativity Enable a Flourishing Future