Failing Forward for Business Success
Are you or your employees afraid of making mistakes? Then this workshop is for you!
Bill Gates says: “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.”
Find out why failure is not the end but the beginning. In this workshop you will learn:
- Why successful companies encourage risk-taking regardless of the outcome
- Who are some of the effective leaders that promote a positive “failure” attitude
- How to change a company’s core values from one of feedback to feed-forward
- What “failure” really means and the reasons to celebrate mistakes
Eileen’s Bio
Eileen Doyle, president of Deeper Dives, provides highly interactive facilitation, and creativity workshops. She applies techniques that access the right brain and left brain, creating an atmosphere where participants use all learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. These include creative problem-solving, projective techniques, archetypes, leadership/communication preferences and laughter.
Eileen presents at creativity conferences worldwide and co-hosts the annual Next Idea Creativity Retreat. She is a Colleague with the Creative Education Foundation and is certified in the MBTI®, Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator™, Foursight™ and NBI™.